Minecraft Windows 10 Edition See How Many Blocks Mined Total

With the 1.17 update of Minecraft, we were given a wide range of new blocks. In this guide, we are going to go over the new deepslate block, along with its variations.

The deepslate block set released with the first part of the Caves and Cliffs update in early June. The first part of the update only included mobs and block variations. The rest of the update is expected to launch later this year. It will include new biomes and mobs to interact with. For now, we can explore all the deepslate block variations added to the game.

How Many Deepslate Blocks Are There?

In total, there are 29 different types of deepslate blocks. Above, you can check out the deepslate blocks in creative mode. Later, we will go over each block, as well as how to craft different deepslate block variations.

Out of these 29 blocks, you will be able to mine and craft with 28 of them. Like other stone blocks in Minecraft, deepslate can become infested. This means that the block is hiding a silverfish. When the block is destroyed, a silverfish will pop out and attack you. Silverfish can easily be killed, but they can be quite annoying sometimes. Fortunately, they aren't that common.

Tip: If a block breaks faster than usual, it's infested.

Where To Find Deepslate Blocks In Minecraft 1.17

Deepslate blocks generate underground in groups within chunks. The world of Minecraft is separated into chucks. Each chunk is 16x16 blocks and extended in pillars throughout the map. You can only see chunk borders by holding F3 + G. Doing this will show borders between each chuck. Press the keys again to hide the chunk borders.

Within each chunk, a deepslate group will attempt to generate ten times. Ten groups of deepslate are not guaranteed, because there could be obstacles such as the ocean or lava in the way.

Basically, you should be able to find deepslate after mining for a little. It's not rare, so you will eventually run into it. Try looking for chunks of it in caverns, where there is a lot of exposed surface area. You may find some deepslate while mining straight down, but you could be passing right by it without knowing.

Any block inside the deepslate group will convert into a deepslate block, including ore. Deepslate will mine just like normal stone. If you use a pickaxe enchanted with silk touch, then you will receive the original deepslate block. Alternatively, if you use an unenchanted tool, then you will receive cobbled deepslate.

Remember, if you use anything else besides a pickaxe to mine deepslate, then the block will break and you will receive nothing. You can use a normal wood pickaxe, so there is no reason to waste deepslate!

Ore Inside Deepslate Blocks

There are 8 ore variations in deepslate ore. The ore inside of deepslate blocks is the same as ore in normal stone. Although the block appearance is different, the material is exactly the same. Let's take a quick look at the ore variations below.

  • Emerald Ore
  • Redstone Ore
  • Gold Ore
  • Copper Ore
  • Diamond Ore
  • Lapis Lazuli Ore
  • Coal Ore
  • Iron Ore

If you have been playing Minecraft for a while, you may notice that the ore seems a bit different. Along with new blocks and textures in the 1.17 update, we also have a new way to mine iron and gold.

Instead of mining for whole blocks of iron and gold, you will now get raw ore. Along with copper, mining these blocks will drop individual ore that can be smelted into bars. It's not too drastic of a change, but it might take some getting used to. Copper is a new addition to Minecraft as well, so remember to check out this complete guide on the material.

Crafting With Deepslate

There are eight different variations of the deepslate block that you can build or craft with. Below, you can read about each block, as well as how to obtain it.

  • Cobbled Deepslate: mining without a silk touch pickaxe
  • Deepslate: mining with silk touch pickaxe, or smelting cobbled deepslate
  • Polished Deepslate: combine four cobbled deepslate
  • Deepslate Bricks: combine four polished deepslate
  • Cracked Deepslate Bricks: smelt deepslate bricks
  • Deepslate Tiles: combine four deepslate bricks
  • Cracked Deepslate Tiles: smelt deepslate tiles
  • Chiseled Deepslate: combine two cobbled deepslate slabs

As you can see, deepslate blocks work similarly to stone and blackstone. Deepslate can be processed with a stonecutter as well. Each block can be crafted without a stonecutter though; all you need is a crafting table and a furnace.

Lastly, let's go over other blocks that can be crafted with deepslate. Above, you can see the 12 possible variations that can be crafted with deepslate. Stairs, slabs, and walls can be made with the following blocks.

  • Cobbled Deepslate
  • Deepslate Brick
  • Deepslate Tile
  • Polished Deepslate

You will need the following material to craft stairs, slabs, and walls. Each variation uses the same material, and can quickly be made with a crafting table.

  • Stairs: Six blocks
  • Slab: Three blocks
  • Wall: Six blocks

That's all there is to know about deepslate! The block is similar to other stone-type blocks, so you should be able to get the hang of building and crafting with them pretty quickly. This block will make a nice addition to any base, and pairs nicely with blackstone.

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About The Author

Jacqueline Zalace (294 Articles Published)

Jacqueline Zalace is a writer for TheGamer, based in Austin, Texas. When she's not writing or playing video games, you can catch her doing yoga and painting.

More From Jacqueline Zalace

Minecraft Windows 10 Edition See How Many Blocks Mined Total

Source: https://www.thegamer.com/minecraft-everything-about-deepslate-blocks/

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